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2019 ALSN International Conference

  • 7 Nov 2019
  • 9 Nov 2019
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • 117


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.8.19. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. Member Only. *Hotel room is separate.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.8.19 and evening poster reception. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. *Hotel room is separate.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.8.19. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. *Hotel room is separate. **Rate applies to students pursuing graduate studies, preferably full time and not eligible for tuition reimbursement, and/or employed full time in a nursing position, any setting.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.7.19 and opening reception, all day 11.8.19 and all day 11.9.19. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. Member Only. *Hotel room is separate.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.7-11.9.19 and evening poster. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. Non-member. *Hotel room is separate.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.7.19 and evening poster reception, all day 11.8.19 and all day 11.9.19. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. *Hotel room is separate. ****Rate applies to students pursuing graduate studies, preferably full time and not eligible for tuition reimbursement, and/or employed full time in a nursing position, any setting.
  • Thursday, 11.7.19 Poster Reception Only. Member or Non-member.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.7.19 and evening poster reception. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. Member Only. *Hotel room is separate.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.7.19 and evening poster reception. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. *Hotel room is separate.
  • Event includes all day conference on 11.7.19, including poster reception. Includes meals, breaks and contact hours. *Hotel room is separate. **Rate applies to students pursuing graduate studies, preferably full time and not eligible for tuition reimbursement, and/or employed full time in a nursing position, any setting

We look forward to seeing you at the 2019 ALSN International Conference! #nursescience #nurseresearch #disruptiveinnovation
Registration is closed

Online registration is now closed. You may register onsite or email office@nursingleadershipscience.org to inquire.

Visit the ALSN International Conference page for full details 

ALSN is pleased to announce the 2019 ALSN International Conference (formerly INARC), in Los Angeles, CA, on November 7-9, 2019.  This conference serves as a prominent and unique forum for nursing educators, executives, administrators, and researchers from around the globe to learn and discuss current healthcare and system challenges. 


To download a fillable registration form, Click Here. 

Early Bird Ended Friday, October 4
*Breakfast is not included in the registration fee.

View the Full Schedule HERE

This year's International ALSN Conference will showcase presentations and posters using science and innovation to impact (nursing) practice, policy and education seizing the upside of disruption. Disruption is both an opportunity and a challenge especially due to the continual explosion of change everywhere. Authors submitted their work in the following categories: research, evidence-based practice, quality improvement and academic-service partnership innovations. 

Nursing educators, executives, academics, researchers and emerging leaders.

This continuing nursing education activity was approved for 18.75 contact hours by the Ohio Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)
Assigned ONA #22745


There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.

To obtain a Certificate of Successful Completion for this activity, the learner must complete the following criteria:

  • Sign the Verification of Attendance Form at the registration desk.
  • Attend one or more sessions.
  • Complete and submit the online evaluation form for each session attended.

ALSN invites interested vendors to share product expertise with attendees during 2019 ALSN International Conference. For more information on these opportunities, contact Kristen Taylor,  office@nursingleadershipscience or download a fillable prospectus HERE 

If you choose NOT to pay online, please send payment to: 
ALSN | 2510 Jolly Rd., Suite 110 | Okemos, MI  48864

UCLA Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA

To book your hotel, please contact: 310.206.8718
Room Rate: $219 | Group Code: 191107GL
To book online, please go to: http://bit.ly/2FqLbl0

Rooms must be booked by Tuesday, October 8, 2019.

If you have questions regarding the conference, please call 517.325.5308 or email office@nursingleadershipscience.org
Tax ID: 58-1629916

*$50 administration fee will be assessed for cancellations before October 18, 2019.  There are no refunds, after October 18, 2019.  Please contact the ALSN office if you would like to transfer a registration.

Association for Leadership Science in Nursing

3416 Primm Lane, Birmingham, AL 35216 USA

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